Mobile App Development

Mobile-first approach is gaining more importance. Our mobile app experts couldn’t agree more! Whether you want a mobile-first product or launch a mobile app for your existing website-based product, we are happy to work with you.

Tablet Device

Native iOS apps in Swift and native Android apps

We have dedicated teams to build native mobile apps for iOS and Android phones. Our design experts know the minute differences in design approach between iOS apps and Android apps. For iOS app development, we specialise in the Swift programming language.

We have also built cross-platform apps using React Native as per client preference.

Tablet Device

Native tablet apps

We build native tablet apps according to user needs. Certain use cases require apps built specifically for tablets. The approach needed to bring the required product concept to reality is different from that needed for building mobile apps.

Mobile First Approach

Mobile-first approach

We have expertise in the mobile-first approach, which focuses on optimising user experience on mobile devices. This capability will be a crucial consideration for you if a mobile device is the primary platform for consumer engagement of your tech product. We can set you up for direct-to-consumer business success by prioritising mobile-first design and development and working in alignment with your marketing efforts.

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Integrated development of mobile app and web app

Most of our clients opt for web app development as well as mobile app development for the same product. Such a holistic product offering opens up new channels for your product to engage with your targeted customer. Check out our webpage on web app development for details.

Tablet Device
Tablet Device

Native versus cross-platform mobile app development

We prefer native app development over cross-platform or hybrid app development. Unless you strongly prefer a cross-platform app, we are eager to develop your mobile apps for iOS and Android as native apps.

Our enable you to benefit from mobile-first opportunities.